Removes chlorine, chloramines, VOC’s, THM’s, pesticides, sulfur, heavy metals, hydrogen sulfide (“rotten egg” odor), iron oxides (“rust water”), dirt, sediment and other odors. Water travels through both ERA-6500 and ERA-9500 media for de-chlorination and enhances pH balance. Periodic reversing of disk ensures balanced filtration, eliminates the potential for channeling, and extends the useful life of the disk.
SKU CQE-RC-04052
FLOW RATE 4-5 gpm
CAPACITY (<100 PPM HARDNESS) 18-24 months*
Construction Materials
- Polypropylene End Caps
- Polyolefin Inner/Outer Wraps
- Polyethylene Netting
- Buna-N Gaskets End Caps
Operating Specifications
- Minimum Operating Pressure: 30 psi (2.1 bar)
- Maximum Operating Pressure: 60 psi (4.1 bar)
- Minimum Operating Temperature: 40° F (4.4°C)
- Maximum Operating Temperature: 100° F (37.7°C)
*Capacity is an estimate only and is dependent on influent water contaminants and filter usage.