We have CLEARANCE Real Milk Paint at 50% OFF in limited quantities. Some of these colors are in the older bags and boxes. Real Milk Paint changed the names of their colors a few years ago and so much of these have the old names. We generally have ONE of each unless listed below - though we have multiples of some with one having the new name and one having the old....
Real Milk Paint, in 56 colors, is an exclusive formula made from all organic materials including powdered purified casein, lime and pigments.
This organic paint comes in a water soluble powder and does not contain solvents (Zero V.O.C. = No Volatile Organic Compounds). Milk paint (casein paint) has been in use for hundreds of years.
Persimmon Quart 2
Sky Blue Pint 2 Quart 2
Pecan Quart 3